Spouse / 2nd Adult Balanced Name Recommendation

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Advantages of a Balanced Name

1) Stronger Mental Capacity

A Balanced Name strengthens the mind. It will preserve and enhance the positive qualities you already possess. At the same time, it will eliminate weaknesses found in your name that may be frustrating you from developing fully your intellectual and creative powers, or achieving peak happiness and contentment.

2) Complete Change in Perspective

When you assume a Balanced Name, the way people see you—and the way you see yourself—will change dramatically. Yes, we realize that changing your name is a big step and may seem impractical to you at this time. But the more you revisit the idea, the more comfortable you will become with it. That is why we encourage you to at least consider what your name could be with our Balanced Name Recommendation service.

3) A More Focused Purpose in Life

Because your Balanced Name is harmonized to your birth date, you will naturally be drawn toward the core purpose you were destined to pursue. Regardless of how old you are, new opportunities will present themselves. You will see a clear path toward your goals and find you have the resolve to strike out in new directions—a remarkable phenomenon, a testimony to the awesome power of one's name.

Our Balanced Name Recommendation Service

Our Balanced Name Recommendation Service will provide the personalized name selections and tools you need to make an informed decision on whether or not to move forward.

Even if you decide not to change your name at this time, exploring this exciting possibility can be an illuminating experience, and an opportunity you can revisit at any time in the future. 

And if you do decide to proceed with a name change, you will find no better resource for accomplishing that goal than with the superior package of services we offer. 

What is a Balanced Name?

It's a name in complete harmony with your birth date.

When you choose a new balanced name, the effects can be immediate and dramatic. The way you look at yourself, the way others perceive and treat you, your level of confidence, your energy, creativity and self-esteem, all can improve significantly.

For many, changing their name to a balanced one is an extraordinarily uplifting experience, having a far greater impact on their lives than they imagined. (See testimonials below.) 

That is because the first and last names we recommend to you have more than aesthetic and linguistic appeal. They are intrinsically linked to your birthpath, the original calling you were meant to pursue. They are fully in sync with the cycles and phases of your life, measured from the day you were born, so the path to realizing your full potential becomes clear and attainable.

No matter how old or young you are, it is never too late or too early to benefit from the life-enriching influences of a balanced name.

We've helped thousands change their names...and lives.

For decades, the Society of Kabalarians has been the exclusive source for balanced names based on the mathematical and language principles of the Kabalarian Philosophy. Our proven success in helping others achieve prosperity, health, and happiness through changing their names has been truly remarkable.

Link to Reviews

Our Balanced Name Recommendation Package is an essential initial step in the name-changing process. It gives you dozens of customized balanced name choices to "try on" and evaluate. Each recommended name is individually analyzed as to the specific attributes it brings to enhancing your life. 

We also include expert phone support with our Name Specialists, whose experience and knowledge in dealing with all aspects of changing a name will be invaluable to you in making this all-important decision.

What Will a Balanced Name Do?

  • Overcome Limitations
    Establishing a Balanced Name is the essential first step in overcoming the limitations and disharmony created by your current names. Then, as you strive to understand and live to the natural laws of life under a Balanced Name, your ideals and experiences will become relative to your true purpose.
  • Enhance Strengths
    A Balanced Name creates mental strengths. You will not lose any of your current positive characteristics, qualities, and abilities. In fact, a Balanced Name will enhance your already established strengths.
  • Channel Your Purpose
    Like grafting a beautiful rose stem on to a robust rootstock to produce a better rose, the new name will allow you to channel your purpose in life (measured from your birth date) into new outlets that will bring greater accomplishment, fulfillment, and contentment into your life.
  • Create Greater Success
    A Balanced Name will create greater stability and success in your financial affairs and projects.
  • Diminish Weaknesses
    Through the use of a Balanced Name weaknesses inherent in your current names will diminish. If your current names create lack of confidence, you will grow past this weakness as you become more confident by using your Balanced Name. If your present names create discontent, you will lose this weakness and become happier. If your names create an over-emotional nature, you will move past this weakness as you gain greater stability and self-discipline. You will become happier, healthier, and more successful. 

Types of Names We Recommend

  • In considering a Balanced Name Recommendation for you, we look at your current names to see if we can make a modification (if possible) as well as recommending other balanced name choices.
  • In your Balanced Name Recommendation the name choices are a compilation of common names, spelling modifications of common names, and other unique and different names.
  • Cultural Name Options
    If you require a Balanced Name from a specific cultural background we will work with you to create your Balanced Name around this request.
  • Family Last Names
    For families ordering Balanced Name Recommendations we will work with you so that each family member can use the same last name.

How do you determine my Balanced Name recommendation?

A senior Name Specialist reviews the personal information contained from the your free Name Report:

  • Your most used names
  • Your legal names
  • Your business signature(s)
  • Any previous names, nicknames, and/or birth name
  • Your core purpose from your date of birth
  • Age
  • Gender

and determines the best balanced first and last names as well as the best business signature for you.

This process takes 3 to 4 business days.

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